Portraits & Seniors

Natasha: Utica New York January Portrait Session

January 26, 2018

Utica New York Portrait Session January isn’t what most people think of as an ideal time for portraits here in Upstate New York. It’s freezing one day, then 45 degrees the next. There are flurries of snow, rain, ice, sunshine.. you start forget which way is up and which way is down! What most people […]

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Utica New York Portrait Session

January isn’t what most people think of as an ideal time for portraits here in Upstate New York. It’s freezing one day, then 45 degrees the next. There are flurries of snow, rain, ice, sunshine.. you start forget which way is up and which way is down! What most people don’t know however, is that sessions in the snow are some of my FAVORITES! Why you might ask? Because the snow just makes everything look bright and beautiful! Snow also acts as a natural reflector, making your skin look uh-may-zing!

So this January, I had the pleasure of photographing my favorite gal, Natasha. When I was thinking of writing this post, and thinking about Natasha, you know what kept popping into my head? A song. Which song? Run The World by Beyonce. I’m serious. Nat has this quiet confidence about her that is irresistible. Then, to top it off, she wears stellar outfits that make you stop and stare. I mean, see for yourself! Don’t know who this Natasha girl is that I’m writing this little love note about? Well check out her site and stay up to date on all the latest fashion! You can find her page here.

For our session, we hung out in Downtown Utica, bouncing from place to place. Natasha and I both love the “Go Local” movement and are always looking for new places to shoot and feature in our posts! Coffee shops, parks, awesome scenery, you name it, we’re into it! I’d love some suggestions on where we should shoot next! Feel free to leave some ideas in the comments!

Until next time!

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I'm Molly, your new get-a-grip friend.

I'm just a girl in love with black coffee, chocolate, matching PJ sets, and mascara. I started my photography business on a whim and now, I love helping other women rock their businesses!

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I believe in light, and dance floors, and romance, and  little extra magic!


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